Monday, July 18, 2016

Logic Pro X Export Music Score As PDF

How to export a music score from Logic Pro X as a PDF

First, select the track and make sure that all sections are highlighted in that track. If only a few of them are highlighted, the quickest way to highlight all of them is to click on a different track and then click back on the track you intend to export.

Join all of the sections so that it is all in one block.

Click on the score tab to see the full score for that track.

Go to file, then print.

Open the arrow next to PDF and select "Save as PDF"

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Selected Midi Section Not Showing Up In The Midi Editor

Logic Pro X: Selected Midi Section Not Showing Up In The Midi Editor

When selecting the midi section, I noticed that it was not showing up in the piano roll editor below. I needed this in order to shift my notes around, but if I tried selecting something else and then clicking on that section again, the editor below was ignoring this and was stuck on another midi section.

In order to get the midi to show up in the piano scroll editor below, first look at the editor under piano roll. There are a few icons that you can turn on and off. The one that you want to make sure is turned on is the yellow one with two circles that are linked.

Here is an image of that icon:

Logic Pro X Automation Not Working

Logic Pro X Automation Grayed Out

When I was working on one of my compositions, I noticed that the volume levels were not changing when I adjusted the automation within the track. The track had a gray line for the automation which means that this has been turned off. See the picture below:

To get this to turn yellow again and to make your automation turned on, you'll need to show your mixer at the bottom of the page. Then look at any tracks that have a grayed out "Read". Those are the tracks that are turned off, any that are green are turned on.

To turn these back on again, hover your mouse over read and then you will see a circular switch (on/off) that appears next to read. This is the switch that can turn your automation on and off. Not sure why Apple only added this feature within the mixer but not the track. Kind of stupid. Anyways, hopefully this explanation helps!